mercredi, mai 02, 2007

welcom whit djanet

Welcome with Djanet. Djanet is an oasis located in Touareg country, in National park of Tassili.A a few 2300 kilometers of the Algerian capital, in the Saharan desert, Djanet is a city of almost 15000 inhabitants. This site, carried out by the team of the Media library of the House of the Young people, in collaboration with French association Dounia, aims to present the city, its history, that of its inhabitants. But also of speaking about the everyday life of the city, of its activities, its craftsmen. Mainly centered on tourism, the city accomodates visitors come from the four corners of the world. This site will try to bring to these travellers all information necessary to their future stay in sands of the desert. Today, the young people took in hand the realization of this site. They ensure maintenance but more especially the contents of it. All the reports which you will find on these pages are the fruit of their work. We wish you a good discovery of our front site, we hope for it, to receive

mardi, mai 01, 2007

sidi belabbes

Sidi-bel abbes is to 470 m of altitude, loc

ated on Mékerra, in the center of a vast plain ranging between the djébel Tessala with the North and the mounts of Daya in the South. Sidi-bel abbes was known as bases 1st regiment of the foreign legion (about which one speaks low). Blessed Ameur: at the 14th century, the zone of bel abbes is occupied by Béni Ameur who were divided into three families: Amarnas, Hazedj and Sidi-Brahim. It is into 1843 that
the Bedeau general built one fears on right bank of Mékerra opposite Koubba of Sidi-bel abbes, to contain the powerful confederation of Béni Ameur who tried a courageous rising in 1845, after which they were expelled of their territory. Sidi-bel abbes was built by the French on a checkerboard plan in a rectangular enclosure, bored of four doors, indicating the cardinal points. Doors and walls were demolished and replaced by full places and boulevards. To 1,5 km of the center the marabout of Sidi Bel Abbots is, it is that of a saint character of the line of the descendants of the Prophet and wire of Sidi El Bouzidi which would have lived at the 18th century, which left in all

Musical instruments

Musical instruments Viola: The instrument rests between the two genous. In use especially Constantine has and has Annaba. Bendir: Drum on round frame drinks some, tended of a goatskin Derbouka: Made out of terra cotta, with the shape of a goblet, and covered with a goatskin percutee on the edge it produces a its dryness and acute, percutee in the center it produces a serious sound. Ghaita: Bagpipe Guesba: Flute existing in several models according to the number of nodes of the section of the reed utilisè. In use especially the West and in the Algerian Center has. Kamanja: It is about a violin plays in driving position, appuye on the thigh. Kerkabou: Castanets out of iron of approximately 30 cm length, has double tympanum, manipulees per pair in each hand. Rebeb: Of the family of the vieles, it is the instrument par excellence of the classical music; It has only two cords of which only one is used, kind the instrumentalist has a perpetual play of handle. The sound is serious, similar A a violoncello. Tbel: Large drum has double membrane. Zorna: Left oboe. The users of this type of instrument, not to stop the sound, blow and inspire at the same time.



aloauoi 2

aloauoi 2






Fantasia Symbol of warlike virtuosity, made famous for the tables of Delacroix, the fantasia ensures the continuity of an authentic military equestrian tradition. Simulation of the traditional military action at the XIXème century, it would reproduce the glorious attacks of the military tactic Arab and Berber, a sharp retirement succeeded a fulgurating attack. Today, the powder load or fighting replaced the blow of crossbow. In Algeria 140 traditional equestrian associations perpetuate Fantasia. In Morocco nearly 1000 `troops' and 15000 horses take part in the contests organized by the national stud farms at the time of Moussenms and of the local or national festivals.

dance chaoui

dance chaoui

Tassili ajjers class patrimone of humanity

Tassili ajjers class patrimone of humanity

welcome the djanet

Welcome with Djanet. Djanet is an oasis located in Touareg country, in National park of Tassili.A a few 2300 kilometers of the Algerian capital, in the Saharan desert, Djanet is a city of almost 15000 inhabitants. This site, carried out by the team of the Media library of the House of the Young people, in collaboration with French association Dounia, aims to present the city, its history, that of its inhabitants. But also of speaking about the everyday life of the city, of its activities, its craftsmen. Mainly centered on tourism, the city accomodates visitors come from the four corners of the world. This site will try to bring to these travellers all information necessary to their future stay in sands of the desert. Today, the young people took in hand the realization of this site. They ensure maintenance but more especially the contents of it. All the reports which you will find on these pages are the fruit of their work. We wish you a good discovery of our front site, we hope for it, to receive you among us.








Mebarek Othmani, known as Baly, was born in 1953 in Djanet, in Tassili, with some two thousand kilometers in the South-east of Algiers. Medical student, it buys a lute, starts to sing on Tuareg traditional airs then to write texts in Tamacheq (Berber). In Djanet, where it works at the hospital of the city, it melts an instrumental and vocal unit composed of his Khadidja mother and her cousins and cousins. The formation also occurs out of Algeria. In 1991, Baly crosses the road of Steve Shehan. Born in 1957 in Virginia (the United States), type-setter, poly-instrumentite and large traveller, this last collaborated with Léonard Bernstein, John Mac Laughlin and Ryuichi Sakamoto. The meeting of Baly and Steve Shehan gave two albums to the subtle African colors. Assikel, the third published forever. Saxophonist and inventive type-setter, the French Jean-Marc Padovani is for its part convinced that one of principal qualities of the jazz resides in its opening towards other musical forms. With in particular its four-bit byte “Songs of the World” created in 1997, this familiar of the musics of the south was interested in a number of instruments, modes, structures or climates, which represent according to him “a source of unlimited and permanent inspiration”. Baly the spouted out poet of the entrails of Tassili Ajjer, does not reflect the echo of an art as remote as the night of times. By recording its first cassette, in 1988, at “CADIC”, Othmane Mebarek - Baly for the friends constituted an event without precedent in the history of the Algerian music. It was, indeed, the first targui on magnetic track… to sing in the language of the aïeux distances: the “tamatchek”. Six titles of which a prelude “moual”, rates/rhythms percussion and sounds to charm imagination. An insane success! … The name of Baly is on all the lips and in all the hearths, of Djanet in Algiers, in Tunis, in Tripoli, while passing by Mauritania, Mali, Niger and other European capitals. Two other cassettes will follow. Success in success, “the liked” griot of Tassili Ajjer, the modest Baly poet is of all the festivals, all the places and every season.

penture tergui

penture tergui




Short presentation “Tuareg” is an Arab term probably of origin, which was spread by French. It would mean “abandoned Gods”, but this proposal made sourciller the Tuaregs! According to d´autres more probable sources, it would be derived from the name d´une named lybian city Targa (Fezzan, south Lybien): in fact Targa would be quite simply a l ancian name of lybian Fezzan… According to certain Tuaregs, they are downward of Tarik Ibn Ziad, a large Berbère conqueror who conquered l´Espagne at the 9th century. The Tuaregs always lived in the African west, in what formerly was called Africa Occidentale French (AOF).



bleu man22

bleu man22
Dance of the Tuaregs: Warlike dance which expresses the bravery of the blue men of Tassili. The dancers armed with swords and shields engage in a set of wars, guets, challenge and tricks. The crossings of swords follow one another in an outline of bouds and cries martial. The truce caused by the women intervenes who hope to spread a message of love and peace. The KarKabou Dance: “Karkabou” is the name given in Algeria, with the large metal castanets with double tympanum or crotale. Slow when they are accompanied by songs in the form of pious invocations, they can also become animated and rise until the mystical catharsis, under the effect of rates/rhythms haletants and great movements of the harmoniously coordinated bodies.


One cannot really know Algeria without to have tried, would be this only only once, the extraordinary meeting with his Sahara. It is not a simple question of geography. The fascination which this area of the country gets does not melt only on its vastness. To know itself in the middle of nowhere is an outstanding impression whose soft emotion can only enchant us but one realizes quickly that one is not nowhere. The Sahara is a universe with him only, single and attractive, virgin of any agitation and any pollution. However, nothing is less deserted than the Sahara. Under false airs of nothing, an intense life is expressed there: that of the elements engaged in a dazzling sculpture of nature; that of the fauna and the flora which produced incredible strategies of adaptation; that of the men finally, whose existential combat resulted in the integration of a spirituality and of an esthetics presents in the gestures more the pain-killers. The Sahara is the place where reality is disguised in myth. It is also the place where one can live the extraordinary adventure to be discovered oneself. One is discovered while discovering. The sky is so pure. One does not return from there that it is populated of so many stars. A galactic congestion! the dunes with soft elegances offer a landscape always changing. The rock masses present forms whose audacity challenges. There are as these oases so marvellous as one can sometimes take them for mirages. These cities where ochre dares to marry with the pink and the indigo. There is especially this museum with open sky with these many rupestral works of which some precede 5000 years the Pharaonic pyramids. The ritual of the tea, the nobility of a caravan, names of legend such as Hoggar, Tassili, Djanet… All that and more still, not for a simple voyage or a circuit, but really for a moment of your life. Dounia association: 52 street of Aix 13001 Marseilles FRANCE Transversals: 13 street of Algiers 13006 Marseilles FRANCE Air Algeria (direction of Marseilles) HAVE Algérie

batna groupe folk dance

batna groupe folk dance
batna groupe folk dance

dance chaouia

dance chaouia
Je suis née dans les Aurès, en plein coeur du pays chaoui. Les Chaouis, ce sont les Berbères des Aurès. J'y ai passé mon enfance et mon adolescence. Puis, je suis partie en France pour faire mes études en emportant toute ma culture dans ma tète et surtout les chants. En France, en raison de l'éloignement, de la distance avec mon pays, tout ce que j'avais en mémoire m'est revenu peu à peu. Quand j'étais là-bas, je participais à des fêtes. C'était tout à fait naturel. En tout cas dans ma tribu, les Aït Soltane, c'est naturel de participer à ces fêtes. Si on remarque que tu chantes bien, tu es souvent conviée à chanter. Je participais donc aux fêtes traditionnelles. Il y avait toujours un flûtiste et un percussionniste pour nous accompagner. Dans les Aurès, il n'y a pas de séparation entre hommes et femmes, on est tous ensemble à faire de la musique. Ce qui fait que les femmes chantent avec les hommes ou bien les hommes font de la musique et les femmes dansent. Mais il y a aussi un chant spécifique aux femmes.

chaoui dance

chaoui dance

danse khabyle

danse khabyle
To 100 km of Algiers, Kabylie, country of olives and figs, have all the attractions likely to allure the tourist. Thanks to the purity of its air and with its splendid forests with the multiple gasolines, the summer is never painful there. The solid mass of Djurdjura, in the south, sees its snow-covered sides part of the year, which allows the practice of the ski: downhill skiing in Tikjda or walks in the surrounding cedar plantations. Into large kabylie, each hill or peak is capped with a small village, also in spite of the sometimes savage beauty of the landscape one smells everywhere the presence of the man, who with the wire of times knew to keep his ancestral traditions and which expresses all its genius in a refined and original craft industry. Kabylie of Babors: Is the mountain a genuine natural barrier entrel? the sea and the high plateaus sétifiens, this mountainous area which counts among most wild of Algeria was a long time under the control of the powerful Berber tribe of Babors. • Tizi-Ouzou: Capital of Large-Kabylie whose name means << collar of the brooms >>. Picturesque city and attaching always animated particularly saturdays when is held to with it a intéresant market. One finds there a mausoleum romain.garnison Turkish until the French occupation. • Dellys: Rusuccuru antique with the outlet of the Sebaou wadi. Vestiges of the ancient city. • Tigzirt: Antique small port of the Roman city of lomnium, where all the vestiges are joined together - ancient Ruins - Roman Rampart - Vestiges of thermal baths - Christian Basilica of Ve century. • Forest of Yakouren and Akfadou: Important forests planted of trees to the varied gasolines. • Aïn Hammam: In the middle of large Kabylie to 1800 m of altitude, Aïn Hamman is a beautiful panorama perched on the majestic tops of Djurdjura, Ras Timedouine, Lalla Khedidja. • Larba Naït-Irathem: Commercial city rested by French. Marvellous point of view on the mountains neighbor, sight of old extremely. • Tikjda: To 1500 m of altitude, the foot of Akouker, in an imposing framework, winter sports resort equipped with a chair-lift and a ski-lift. Pleasant walks in the surrounding cedar plantations with for background mounts of Djurdjura, Tigounatl? ine, Close-cropped Timedouine. • Collar of Tirourda: It connects Aïn Hammam with Akbou, sites imposing and interesting sights on the picturesque villages of Tirourda and Summeur. • Lakhdaria: Celebrate by the wild throats of Blessed-Amran dug by the Isser wadi on a course of 19 km.

kabyle dancemokadima

kabyle dancemokadima
It is a dance carried out by women to celebrate the abundance of harvest during the gathering of the olive-trees. It is accompanied by a traditional music and dinghies. The women carry the traditional costume which corresponds to the area of Kabylie which itself has its clean gestural. But the traditional dance also evolves/moves it in time. The dance kabyle priviligie swaying walk with the foutha (fabric) which is put on the hips.

dance kabyle

dance kabyle

gnawa de marakache

gnawa de marakache
history of the people gnawa Gnawas are originating in Western Africa (Guinea, Mali, Sudan). They were brought to Morocco as slaves. Their patron saint is Sidi Bilal, it is the first slave who was released by the Mahomet prophet to become the first muezzin (that which calls upon the prayer) of Islam. They were then métissés with the local population and were formed as a brotherhood to create an original worship mixing of the African and arabo-Berber contributions. One says of Gnawa that they are “African by the sap and Maghrebians by the Clerc's Office”. Gnawa practise a rite of possession called derdeba and which is held the night (lila) from where its name of lila of derdeba. This rite gathers the chiefs of worship and the followers who will devote themselves to the practice of the dances of possession and fright


22222222222Contrairement with the standard gasbâ, this gasbâ is pierced with nine holes (instead of seven) which are laid out according to sounds' adapted to the popular music Bedouin (the Bedouins are the wandering or country populations especially western center, south and western north of Tunisia). Manufactured starting from a piece of 65,5 cm length reed, this gasbâ is decorated with scratches of reddish color. It belongs to the collection of Baron R. of Erlanger. The gasbâ is primarily used in the pastoral music. Generally the player of gasbâ uses circular breathing. This gasbâ does not comprise a hole which is generally bored in lower part and which is stopped most of the time during the play, using the inch of the right hand.


3333333333Ses origins goes up with the Old Empire (2850 - 2160 before J. - C.). It belongs to the worship of Isis. The people of the Far East were the first to bring to the drums the improvements which their role in the religious rites and the entertainments of court required. The shapes of this instrument differ from one area to another and the tbal, which one finds in Tunisia, exists even in Eastern Europe and the East and the Far East. It belongs to the family of the membranophones and contains at each end a skin tended by cords on a cylindrical case out of wooden 680 mm in diameter and 485 mm height. The instrument is played using two rods. One rather large and is slightly bent. It produces strong time. The other, thinner, product of weak times. The player of the tbal assoit almost never. One primarily finds the tbal in the popular music. It is played during marriages and of circumcisions in the Island of Jerba (southern of Tunisia). What is remarkable and beautiful concerning the tbal of Jerba (southern of Tunisia) it is that there is the flag of Tunisia drawn on the case.


The darbouka would go back to 1100 before J. - C. It is manufactured out of terra cotta, metal (aluminium) or more rarely drink some and is covered with an animal skin (generally sheep, goat or fish) or with plastic. The skins in animal require beings heated in order to obtain a correct tension before use. The skin is generally heated by rubbing the palm of the hand on this one and, if possible, while placing it in front of an intense heat source (flames, embers). In the African countries, certain people use sand to tighten the skin of the darboukas and the bendirs. Whereas the ceramics bodies are often regarded as producing the best sound, the metal bodies and in synthetic skins are generally preferred by the professionals, because of their solidity (thus longevity), and the relative independence of their sound with respect to the climatic conditions (moisture). Moreover, the modern material darboukas produce a more powerful sound and more clearly, which makes them more attractive in the modern musics. In practice, the drebkis (players of darbouka) use different instruments, sometimes a more traditional instrument, sometimes more modern, according to the musical context and stamp


Karkabou is the name given in Algeria, with the large metal castanets with double tympanum or crotale. Slow when they are accompanied by songs in the form of pious invocations, they can also become animated and rise until the mystical catharsis, under the effect of rates/rhythms haletants and great movements of the harmoniously coordinated bodies.


to bendir is a percussion instrument belonging to the membranophones (it is a drum on framework) often round but sometimes rectangular, one finds it in the Middle East and the Maghreb. According to areas' one can find to bendir it equipped with a stamp which will give him a bourdonnant sound or with copper cymbalettes on the circumference of the framework. These last contrary to the stamp create acute metal sounds thus enriching the sound pallet by bendir which is an instrument producing low généreuses.99999999Karkabou especially is the name given in Algeria, with large metal castanets with double tympanum or crotale. Slow when they are accompanied by songs in the form of pious invocations, they can also become animated and rise until the mystical catharsis, under the effect of rates/rhythms haletants and of great movements of the bodies


The overall length of the gombri is 109 cm. Its handle and its case of resonance are out of wood. This last A a cylindrical form. It is covered with a goatskin and carries decorations to henné and the “harkous” (temporary tattooing). The selected goatskin is generally that of an old goat, because it is preferable that the skin was used before on a “tbal” (percussion instrument played with two rods). This enables him to be well tended on the case. This skin is not heated, contrary to that of the darbouka and bendir. The rest drink some is called “rakez”. The three melody cords in bowel are tended by leather ribbons on the case. Behind the rest, one finds a metal plate containing of the rings to amplify the rate/rhythm (“chanchana”). This instrument is still used but seldom and only in areas where the beliefs in the bad spirits still precede. * container in pottery where one puts coal which can be of culinary use either one uses it to heat or